Black Tourmaline

“Stay grounded. Protect your energy. Vibrate higher.”

- Unknown

Colour: Black

Chakras: Root

Effect: Protective

Black Tourmaline is the bodyguard of the crystal world. The ultimate protector stone, Black Tourmaline will shield you from all negative energy, ensuring your personal energy and boundaries are protected at all times. Its connection to the Root chakra means that Black Tourmaline will keep you grounded by bringing you back down to Earth when your thoughts are spinning out of control. In that sense, Black Tourmaline is like an anchor in the storm, making sure you don’t drift off amongst the crashing waves. Black Tourmaline is your shield, your armor and your safety blanket, supporting you to feel safe, secure and protected wherever you go.

Black Tourmaline is an essential companion to carry with you when you spend time around other people. Black Tourmaline absorbs negative energy, so it will shield you from any energy that would otherwise deplete you and leave you feeling tired and drained. Especially effective at protecting you from energy vampires, Black Tourmaline creates an energetic forcefield around you, stopping any low vibrational energy from attaching itself to you. Black Tourmaline cleanses and purifies energy, so it can also clear out any negative feelings or thoughts that have originated from within yourself.

A must-have stone for any crystal collector, it is recommended to not only carry Black Tourmaline with you, but also to keep a piece of Black Tourmaline at your front door to stop any dense energy from entering your home. Your energy is your most precious resource, so the key to living your best life is to follow Black Tourmaline's mantra:

“Stay grounded. Protect your energy. Vibrate higher.”


Black Obsidian

