Black Obsidian

“What you see in others is your mirror. What others see in you is their mirror.”

- Unknown

Colour: Black

Chakras: Root

Effect: Reflective

Known as “Dragonglass” in Game of Thrones, Black Obsidian is one of the most powerful stones of protection. Whilst most black crystals absorb negative energy, Black Obsidian repels it, reflecting back the same energy that comes its way. Obsidian is a master deflector, ensuring that nothing can break through the energetic field it establishes around you. Its power is so strong that it can stop you from connecting to other people’s energy altogether, so make sure you are deliberate about your use of this crystal so you don’t unintentionally isolate yourself.

Obsidian is not technically a crystal; it is volcanic glass formed from rapidly cooled lava. Its reflective qualities prompted Black Obsidian’s use as a mirror for magical purposes throughout history, and it is still commonly used for scrying amongst diviners. Obsidian is the revealer of truth. One of the best tools for shadow work, Black Obsidian is a soul healer. It functions as a mirror that reflects the hidden parts of ourselves - the parts we try to bury. When working with Black Obsidian, any negative behaviours or thought patterns will be brought to the surface for you to heal and release. Not something to be taken lightly, Black Obsidian exposes harsh truths about ourselves that must be acknowledged and integrated in order for healing to occur. It will show you how you’ve contributed to certain situations, but it will also support you to break unhealthy patterns and recognise self-sabotaging behaviours. Used by energy healers for chord cutting and removing negative energetic attachments, Black Obsidian supports us to do the work needed for personal growth and inner peace.

Black Obsidian is a mirror that reflects back the shadow qualities of whoever looks into it. In that respect, it could be considered a double-edged sword - it will protect you by mirroring negative energy and sending it back to the source to deal with; but it will also reflect your own shadows back to you. For healing to occur, Obsidian asks you to be brave enough to look into its mirror and see the truth.

“What you see in others is your mirror. What others see in you is their mirror.” - Unknown


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