My Reading Style

Every Tarot reader is unique. On this page you will find information about:

  • my reading style and process;

  • my beliefs around the Tarot and what it can be used for;

  • my ethics and the types of questions I will and won’t read for.

Reading Style and Process

I’m an intuitive Tarot reader, relying on what I “see” in the cards to interpret the reading. My style of reading is compassionate and concise. I communicate the messages as they are given to me, I won’t sugar-coat them. 

For each Tarot reading, I connect to your energy and focus on your question before intuitively selecting which deck(s) to work with. The artwork in every deck will tell a different story, so my readings are layered with what I visually see in the cards as well as the traditional Tarot card meanings.

After connecting to my Spirit team, I then call in your guides asking them to communicate any messages they have for you and to provide information and advice on your question. You do not need to be physically present for me to connect to your energy or your guides. Readings done by distance are just as accurate and effective as readings done in person.

I then shuffle and pull cards for the reading as I interpret the messages that come through. At the end of the reading, I thank your Spirit team and mine before disconnecting from your energy.


“Yes/No” questions

I will not read for closed questions.

I use the Tarot as an empowering tool to offer advice, perspective and insight into situations that you may struggle to see clearly or objectively. If you have a decision to make, the Tarot can help you see the options from different angles so you can make an informed decision. I do not read for questions that take away your decision-making power, such as “yes/no” or “should I/shouldn’t I” questions. I believe you always have the power to manifest the outcome you want, so instead of asking “will I find a long-term partner?”, you can empower yourself by rephrasing this question to “how can I find a long-term partner?”.

You can find more information on how to rephrase your question here.


When it comes to prediction, I do believe that the cards can predict the outcome of a situation. However, I also believe that we each have free will and that the future is not set in stone. As a result, I believe the cards represent a projection of the future based on the energies at play at the time of the reading. People (both yourself and others) make choices all the time that can change your projection and the outcome of a situation. Therefore, I always interpret future or outcome cards as “what is the likely outcome based on the current projection?” or “what will the likely outcome be if the advice in this reading is implemented?”.

Things change. The readings I offer can give an indication of what is to come, but they are not a definitive prediction.


I do not read for questions related to timing. Timing questions assume the future is set in stone and, consequently, can stop you from taking the steps needed to make that outcome happen. If you want to know when something will happen, my readings will tell you what action you need to take before that thing can happen, but it will not tell you the timing of it.


Age restrictions

I do not read for individuals under the age of 18 years.

Legal, financial and medical matters

A Tarot reading is not a substitute for professional advice. Therefore, I do not read for legal, financial or medical matters.

Third-party readings

I do not offer third-party readings (readings about someone other than the individual requesting the reading) as this involves looking into the mind of someone without their consent.

However, you can reframe your question so that you become the focus. For example, instead of asking “why is my daughter upset?”, you can change this to “how can I best support my daughter at this time?”.

More information

If you would like a reading but you aren’t sure how to phrase your question, visit the How to Phrase your Tarot Question page. 

For information to help you choose the right type of reading for your circumstances, visit the What Type of Reading Should I Get? page.

You can review my Tarot Reading Policy here.

If you would like further information or have any questions, please get in touch via the Contact page.

Much love,

Casey xx