Black Onyx

“This too shall pass.”

- Unknown

Colour: Black with white banding

Chakras: Root

Effect: Resilient

Black Onyx is the warrior you want on your side during times of emotional turmoil. A powerful protector, Black Onyx absorbs negativity and gives you the strength to get through the toughest of times. Connected to the Root chakra, Black Onyx is a very grounding stone, supporting you to find stability amongst turbulence. It is a stone of endurance, giving you access to an inner strength you may not have even known you had.

Heightened emotional states are not conducive to clear thinking, but one of the greatest functions of Black Onyx is that it stabilises emotions and encourages restraint. Black Onyx supports you to maintain self-control by grounding your energy so you can resist reacting to triggers. This stone allows you to make wise decisions during times of stress or grief, calming the mind and strengthening self-awareness so that you act in accordance with your best interests instead of getting caught up in the heat of the moment. Black Onyx supports you to find a sense of calm as you ride out the storm, helping you to build resilience as you persevere through times of hardship.

Black Onyx gives you the strength and resilience needed to overcome any challenge. And once you overcome those challenges, Black Onyx will also help you heal and release any associated traumas or attachments that you’ve accumulated along the way. Just remember to cleanse this stone regularly as this loyal soldier will hold onto negativity so that you don’t have to. Black Onyx is your trusted companion who will stand beside you during any battle, and it will always be there to remind you: 

“This too shall pass.”

A Warning

If you are looking to add Black Onyx to your crystal collection, be cautious, as most of the Black Onyx on the market is not true Onyx. Black Onyx is a variety of chalcedony that is black with white layers. The white layers create a unique white banding that runs parallel across the stone. To create fake Onyx, Agate or Calcite is dyed black. However, the banding seen on Agate and Calcite is crooked and wavy, so it does not have the same neat and parallel banding of True Onyx. There are also plastic and glass Onyx imitations. Any Onyx that is completely black with minimal imperfections is likely to be plastic or glass. If you are searching for Black Onyx and you come across pieces that do not specify the stone’s treatment, it would be a safe to say it is not True Onyx. 




Rose Quartz