
“Cleanse yourself until you light up.”

- Raquel Costa

Colour: White

Chakras: Crown

Effect: Cleansing

Named after Selene, the Greek Goddess of the moon, Selenite opens your Crown Chakra and connects you to the higher spiritual realms. Associated with angels and angelic guidance, Selenite brings an uplifting sense of peace, purity and serenity to every environment. The most cleansing of all crystals, Selenite protects your aura, keeping it clear of any low vibrational energy. An essential crystal for energy healers, Selenite is commonly used as a wand to clear energetic blockages and to remove negative energy and attachments from the aura. We pick up energetic debris from other people as we go about our day, and a Selenite wand can be used to detach and clear any unwanted energy from our bodies. Think of Selenite as your energetic shower, washing away all the negative energy that you have accumulated throughout the day so you can feel clean and refreshed. Keeping a piece of selenite at your front door will also help to keep your house energetically clean and will ensure only high vibrational energy can enter your home.

Just like the light of the full moon, Selenite will cleanse and recharge everything around it. A Selenite bowl or charging plate is a simple way to cleanse and recharge your other crystals whenever they need a boost. Selenite’s connection to both the moon and the angelic realm also means it is an excellent crystal to enhance your intuition and increase spirit communication. As a result, don’t be surprised if you start noticing more angel numbers and other synchronicities when working with Selenite.

Selenite cleanses the mind, body and soul, filling you with a pure light that is strong enough to lift up all the energy around you. Darkness cannot exist in Selenite’s presence, so draw on this crystal whenever you need to clear the way for your light to shine through.

“Cleanse yourself until you light up.”

- Raquel Costa




Shiva Eye