
“Be still and let it wash over you.”

- D.J. Molles

Colour: Blue or Green

Chakras: Throat, Heart and Third Eye.

Effect: Cooling

Known as The Stone of Mermaids, Aquamarine embodies all of the powerful, mystical and soothing qualities of the sea.

A protective talisman, Aquamarine protects anyone travelling by water and was used by sailors in ancient times to safeguard against rough seas and drowning. If you are flying over the ocean or travelling by boat, carry some Aquamarine with you to support a safe journey. Aquamarine was also said to protect against the allure of the Siren’s Song, so keep some Aquamarine close if you need a shield against the unwanted charm or influence of others.

The cooling touch of Aquamarine helps you to stay calm and cool under pressure and eases feelings of stress, anger or overwhelm. As refreshing as a swim in the ocean, Aquamarine will help to clear your mind and supports you to find stillness and let any anxious or negative thoughts or feelings wash over you.

Aquamarine connects the Heart, Throat and Third Eye chakras to enhance self-expression and understanding. It helps to heal the mind/body/soul connection and gives you the courage to speak from the heart. Aquamarine promotes patience, tolerance and truth, lessoning judgmental feelings towards yourself and others. Its association with the Third Eye enhances clarity and objectivity, helping you to see things more clearly.

Physically, the cooling effects of Aquamarine can soothe inflammation, sunburn and sore throats. Its connection to the Throat and Heart chakras means that Aquamarine can also help with breathing or other issues with the respiratory system.

Aquamarine helps to calm and centre you. It cools tempers and supports acceptance by encouraging you to go with the flow. The quote by D.J. Molles perfectly sums up how to embody the healing properties of Aquamarine:

“Be still and let it wash over you.”


Green Aventurine